Thursday, April 22, 2010

Whale Sharks!

A friend and I traveled to Georgia for the weekend and we decided to go to the aquarium. I have always wanted to see a whale shark and next time I'm at the aquarium, I will swim with them. One of the staff at the aquarium saw our cameras and decided to give us a behind the scenes tour of the whale shark tank, coral reef growing facility and tank, as well as the penguins that are not even on display. We got to see amazing stuff that not everyone gets to see. These are a few of the shots I took at the aquarium. The lighting was really bad in those places so it was extremely hard to photograph. I love the light rays coming through the water in these shots. Let me know what you think of them!


  1. love the jellyfish shot! great colors!

  2. I like how jellyfish can light themselves. Nice "divine" light in the third frame down.
